Friday, March 18, 2016

Service Day #2: Stewpot

 Service Day #2
Today we volunteered at Stewpot, a community soup kitchen and support center for the homeless. We started out organizing care bag supplies, separating out soap, tooth brushes, and other hygiene items. We also cleaned up around the facility, helping clear out closets and transporting boxes, what ever they needed. Then we headed to lunch, where we joined in on an assembly line, making food trays and serving them out. We also handed out care bags and candy canes as people left.

Overall, the service today was an incredible experience. It was amazing to see how organized and efficient Stewpot is, as well as how friendly the staff and various volunteers were. It's always an eye opening experience, and makes you think about all we take for granted on a day to day basis like a simple meal for lunch or owning a toothbrush. It was apparent that the Stewpot aims to help as many people as possible, and even in the short time we spent there, you could see the good a single meal had on those people.

During reflection, one name came up multiple times from nearly everyone in our group. There was a man named Don, who welcomed us that morning on the piano, singing songs and opening the floor for the director who gave us a brief synopsis of Stewpot and how they came about. The Director also shared with us Don's story. After college, Don struggled with alcohol and lost his way. He depended on Stewpot and eventually recovered, embracing music, and now working for Stewpot. He was such a light and his energy and spirit were infectious, spreading through all of us. That was just one example of a life Stewpot changed and it was really uplifting.

Another highlight from the day was seeing how excited the staff got when we cleaned out a bogged down closet. I've never seen so much joy shown over being able to see the floor! That moment just showed just how much nonprofits like the Stewpot depend on volunteers and that the work we were doing mattered, whether it be indirect or direct service.

We also ran into a fellow Vol fan! Who knew, we've even got supporters all the way down in Jackson, Mississippi! I was serving water and a man flagged me down because he noticed my power T tank top. Next thing I know, I'm talking stats and reliving the glory days from the Fulmer era. It was nice to have a sweet reminder of home.

So that was a brief overview of day 3! In addition to service, we had a very heated Spoons tournament and a really fun and interesting tour of the Old Capitol Building. We're all extremely tired but excited for all the come the next few days!

That's all for now!
Love, ASB Marginalized Populations and Inclusion

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